Daniele Varrazzo
ZPsycopgDA: Transaction reseted each time a query is executed (Proposed solution included to set it as SOLVED)
was updated by Daniele Varrazzo
Monday Dec 03
ticket - ZPsycopgDA: Transaction reseted each time a query is executed (Proposed solution included to set it as SOLVED) was updated by Daniele Varrazzo 04:46 PM ticket
empty string in composite data typeswas updated by Daniele Varrazzo 02:23 PM ticket - 2.5 was created by Daniele Varrazzo 12:32 AM milestone
- cursor is not compatible with the with statement was updated by Daniele Varrazzo 12:32 AM ticket
Provide missing round function for solaris 8 & 9was updated by Daniele Varrazzo 12:30 AM ticket -
eggify ZPsycopgDAwas updated by Daniele Varrazzo 12:28 AM ticket -
ZPsycopgDA2was updated by Daniele Varrazzo 12:28 AM ticket -
Pool broken for zopewas updated by Daniele Varrazzo 12:26 AM ticket -
Installation Error of Psycopg2 on windows 7was updated by Daniele VarrazzoSaturday Nov 24