Daniele Varrazzo
Minor typos in INSTALL documentwas updated by Daniele VarrazzoWednesday Feb 22
ticket - cursor rownumber fails was updated by Daniele Varrazzo 01:52 PM ticket
Minor typos in INSTALL documentwas updated by Daniele Varrazzo 12:03 PM ticket -
Typos in comments of setup.cfgwas updated by Daniele Varrazzo 11:56 AM ticket -
Provide missing round function for solaris 8 & 9
was updated by Daniele Varrazzo
Friday Feb 10
ticket - Provide missing round function for solaris 8 & 9 was updated by Daniele Varrazzo 09:52 PM ticket
Provide missing round function for solaris 8 & 9
was updated by Daniele Varrazzo
Wednesday Feb 08
ticket -
"pgcode" should be present in exception.argswas updated by Daniele VarrazzoMonday Jan 30
ticket -
"pgcode" should be present in exception.argswas updated by Daniele Varrazzo 01:42 PM ticket -
Cache FixedOffsetTimezone instanceswas updated by Daniele Varrazzo 01:32 PM ticket